I keep losing rank in unranked play. Whenever i win or lose
After the last update I keep losing rank in unranked play. Whenever i win or lose

BloodbathMcGrath#92218 commented
same experience here 10/31... :(
DevouredDeth#15492 commented
Same issue, wanted to test my standard deck and lost rank points.
Xori18#53122 commented
Its not an idea its a bug. the game still thinks your in a rank ladder after u stop playing standard or historic in play mode. Idk about other mods because i dont play them but its happen since zendikar rising
eithe#77462 commented
Fetmiester#84584 commented
I won an unranked game but lost a Rank Point (Current rank: Platinum 2)
Wooot#53182 commented
Please fix this. I am losing rank so hard because of this.
TheTysken#91774 commented
Same issue as my fellow players here. Lose rank regardless of win or loss even in an unranked game/event. Please fix this WOTC!
Bloodchief#71648 commented
Yeah this is annoying. I am on the path to mythic and want to try out some brews without concern of ranked, and I am losing points towards it even despite winning... Just won a match with simic ramp and afterwards my points go down and I'm in the play section, not standard ranked. Log attached
nothingface#76037 commented
I'm having the same problem - at least when I lose a match...I haven't noticed it after a win. I never lose a tier (at least not yet), but my progress toward the next one (platinum 4 -> platinum 3, for example) decreases.
Mnemonic10#57977 commented
My idea is, that when you win your games, you don't keep ranking down in a constant loop on Diamond level 4, section 3 to section 2... That way I maybe able to rank up to mythic, or whatever, alternatively, I could just stop spending money in your arena, by not playing any more, many regards...
cool.trash#64361 commented
I just noticed this as well. Pretty frustrating since I'm still trying to navigate my way through all the new Zendikar stuff.
Methane#52751 commented
This is showing up in all of my unranked games. In sealed it was actually reversed a few times, showing the win as a loss in Platinum 3 rank. Each time this shows up, the rank starting point is the same, ie the second notch of Platinum 3, either going down to 1 or going up to 3.
Xhaos#36814 commented
have the same problem, conceded in unranked and lost rank points ...
Firestar#97849 commented
Experiencing the same thing. Log attached.
Tnesniv Yorel#28339 commented
I had something similar in my latest game. I won VS Sparky, but lost rank.