Missing cards in starter deck
Finished the quest to get Selesnya Conclave deck today and none of the cards were added in my collection.
The deck is completely empty, appart from the basic lands.
I had none of the cards before and none of the cards were added after getting the deck: every number to the left of the cards are red.
BigDitrtySmaug#26824 commented
Exactly the same thing happened to me. In fact, I've now received six of the old starter decks that are not legal in Standard any longer
Dexthemethorphan#96234 commented
recieved wrong starter decks this happend After rotation
Dexthemethorphan#96234 commented
same thing happend to me
savedbygrace#36892 commented
Yesterday, I was awarded the Selesnya Conclave starter deck, which has 40 non-format cards instead of To Adventure. I know this is a bug because I was awarded Mutation Station today, which is in the same starter deck set as To Adventure. Also, before I was awarded Selesnya Conclave, the deck award in the color challenge showed To Adventure, so I was definitely given the wrong deck. Please replace the Selesnya Conclave deck on my account with To Adventure. I want to sincerely thank you for all of your hard work at maintaining a very enjoyable game :) I look forward to hearing back from you. For some reason my computer won't let me post logs or a screenshot. Let me know if you need me to verify anything.
doughsthoughts#47054 commented
This is by design, any of the NPE decks or welcome decks do not add the cards if you already have them. It only adds to your collection if it's one of the BOUGHT decks, none of the free decks will add the card if you already have it.It will add additional copies. Let's say the deck Has 2 of a card and you have 1, It will give you the 2nd.
Miketheboss224#98760 commented
Missing most of the cards from all the monocolor decks but white.
AlexWu#44300 commented
This is a terrible way to treat enfranchised players. Give the same treatment to everyone, both old and new.
Buggalo#09315 commented
SO, was this by design or a bug? Near as I can tel it is inconsistent with some rares being added, and others just being rolled into the decks from my collection.
If this was intentional, that's a pretty shady way to treat existing players.Edit: I see some comments pretty certain this is by design. That is really disappointing and not a cool way to treat us...
TakeFive#59602 commented
Same issue, a card is not added in your collection if you already have one.
hellsing5959#22391 commented
I waited for three months to get bonus rares from NPE decks but I did not get anything. The way WotC keeps advertising about but delaying handing out the NPE decks to existing players was too lame and shady.
#Votewithyourwallet #unst
Bahamut_FFIX#98096 commented
This is happend to me to but only for some of the cards of the decks, for example I have in my collection the only one overgrowth tomb found in the preconstructed deck taken yesterday but Judith Is missing from the same decks.
ScimmiaCompetitiva#36329 commented
New player > Old Player
hubatish#60122 commented
Just searched for & found this issue after opening & seeing that I had not received new copies of cards. Glad to get some random new cards though! Theoretically optimal way to get max cards would've been to have no cards in collection to start... Of course if you had max cards, you wouldn't get anything from this (wildcard progress would be nice)
Malebranche#35499 commented
That's because they decided that if you had the card, you don't get another copy of it and they just use whatever is in your collection. So in the instance of Judith, the deck takes one, you have one, so it just used yours to craft the deck. If it took 2 and you had 1, it would just craft 1 of them and even your collection out to 2.
It's a shady way for them to do this and is probably why they delayed handing the NPE decks out so they could make it so that it gave existing players as little as possible, but this is what happened.
Goyo#29332 commented
This happened to me as well. I believe it didn't earn any cards at all...
CafeLinguist#81624 commented
I also had this issue (in my case it was several cards: Etrata, Hallowed Fountain, Aurelia, Empyrean Eagle, March of the Multitudes, many more)
asthmatic17#92489 commented
Today is rotation. The renewal awarded me all the starter decks from Guilds of Ravnica to M20 which I didn't receive before because when I signed up the starter decks given to me contained the expansions that just rotated out. The issue is that these new decks did not add to my collection of cards that were already in my collection. For example, a few weeks ago I participated in a ranked draft where I drafted a Judith the Scourge Diva, my first and only copy. Now, the Starter Deck: Cult of Rakdos contains one copy as well. So I should have 2 copies. However, upon checking my collection, it shows that I only have one copy. Which must be a bug or else this is terribly unfair.
Please review and correct.
Thank you.