Please add Planechase and Two-headed Giant.
Me and my friends are all huge fans of Planechase, and to a lesser extent Two-headed Giant. I had never heard of Planechase until duels of the Planeswalkers 2013 but it quickly became my favorite game mode. So much so that I bought the Planechase anthology. I took it to my local game shop and now everyone there who had never heard of it before are addicted to it.
For anyone who does not know what Planechase is, it is a gamemode where there is a extra deck of cards in the middle of the board. At the start of the match the top card is flipped face up. These cards are cards representing the different planes in the mtg lore. Each of these cards have special effects that effect all players (for better or worse), and these effects stay in play until the current plane leaves the board. During each players turn, that player may roll a special 6 sided dice that only has 2 symbols on it. Where the 1 would be is the Chaos symbol and where the 6 would be is the planeswalk symbol. A player can roll the dice as many times as he wants with the first roll being free and each subsequent roll costing 1 more mana than the last roll. If the dice lands with the chaos side up then the special bonus effect of that planes card goes into effect (this is usually a really beneficial effect). However if the planeswalk side lands face up then the current plane is discarded and a new one is revealed from the top of the deck and it's effects go into play replacing the previous planes effects. There are also special event cards called phenomenon that when revealed have a specific one time effect, then are discarded and a new planes card is flipped from the deck. It's a lot of fun and ensures that no two matches are ever the same, even if you and your open keep using the same decks over and over.
As for Two-Headed Giant, it's just magic but with teams. 2v2. Where teammates share a single life pool of 30.

DevilHD#32220 commented
I'm starting to believe that we'll never see a multiplayer option in MTG Arena. Such a disappointment, until they add it for me this game it's just a lazy money-grab.
Skwirl#12034 commented
Planechase would be a fantastic feature for MTGA, since both were intended to be for casual play anyway.
Heck, they could probably have fun with it and change the entire level map to whatever plane you move to.
And like you can do Best of 3 or Best of 1 or whatever, you can make Planechase another game setting like it.
Yomen92#48025 commented
That would be great, but I think that is why they will not carry it out, so that receiving something that would be great, also imagine, having to do daily Two-heads Giant challenges, or being able to enter a tournament of 500 gold and 1000 reward and three cards, with your previously selected partner