Broken Cards, Balance and Standard
Did a bunch of people who played MTG 2 times, and lose both games get hired to be the balance or design team for these cards the past few years? Because the common theme is cast one card and win the game. What has happened to this game? This game used to be fun. It used to be interactive. You used to be able to play your deck and not have to worry about your opponent casting one card and the game just ends. Why has this become a theme? You can call them what you want, a "build around" card or whatever other term you want to throw on it. The bottom line is the cards are not fair. Really even the other cards that are beyond pushed are the same. Lovestruck Beast. 3 mana 5/5. Honestly, how was this card even green lit? Looking at the set as a whole, the card is actually bad! How can you say that about a 3 mana 5/5?!?!?! When a 3 mana 5/5 is a bad card you know there is a problem. How and why would you let the game become this way? Why would you print cards that are obviously broken? Trying to be creative is one thing. But, obvious pushing of cards and outright not even caring how the card effects the game as a whole had become the standard. This is what you want your players to feel? You want us to have cards always dominating a set or format for years?! Again, listen to the people who actually play the game. Because, it has become so obvious that no one at WOTC does play this game. If they do, it is with no regard for balance. No one seems to understand that this is very bad for the game. You have people creating cards that do not understand anything about how balance works, or even worse they do not play/understand older formats and do not understand the impact of these cards on those formats. I do understand this is a lot to account for. You have made Billions, if not more off of your LOYAL customer base! Hire some competent people that can produce cards and mechanics that don't break the fundamentals of the game! You can tell when cards and mechanics were not tested or when they were pushed. If the community can figure out how busted these cards are on spoiler and within a week or two of release, there is no reason that a team of QUALIFIED individuals couldn't do the same, given a reasonable amount of time. Printing cards Like Oko, Uro, Fires of Invention, Agent of treachery, Winota, Yorion, Genesis Ultimatum, Escape to the Wild, Lucky Clover, Omnath, Lovestruck Beast, Teferi, Time Raveler, Nissa, Who Shakes Worlds and so many more just in the past 1&1/2 years! We as a community have always been told that these cards are in design and testing sometimes a year or more in advanced to allow time for these things to NOT happen. Along with the creation of the next set that will need the same treatment. So why in this short span of time has the game been absolutely ruined by these cards? What if anything has been done about the process that was used that made it okay for these cards to be printed? Or are we to expect more printings of such obvious overpowered nonsense, so WOTC can rake in their money as they know competitive players will buy playsets by the droves. I understand the fundamentals behind what is going on here. I understand that any company needs to make money to survive. I truly understand that. But to this extent? To the extent of ruining your most money making format? To the extent of losing your long time player base due to the inability to admit wrong doing on YOUR part and comfort the community in letting us know that this will NOT be a continuous thing, that this will NOT be the standard for years to come, that something HAS been done about the process that made it okay for these cards to be printed. Because from where I am sitting I feel none of that has been communicated, I feel none of the problems are going to be fixed. Look at the most current set! Had to ban a card within 2 weeks? of it being available for play? Are you as a company okay with this? Was this your intention? To get the community more used to frequent bans, in order to allow more PUSHED and BROKEN cards into sets, driving the price up only to ban these cards within a month? Because this seems like the money making formula that WOTC loves to employ as of late. This is how I feel as a long time community member. This is how I know others feel within the community. These feelings will not allow myself or others to continue to play this obvious trap of a game, where the end goal of the company is to only exploit the customer base knowing(hoping) the next generation will have their % of players to add to the ever declining player base due to lack of creativity. Thus, resulting in these BROKEN cards and players leaving by the 1,000's.