Draft with Friends
Please making drafts with friends (e.g. I have 6-8 friends. I want to draft with them).

Laif#41490 commented
It is mindblowing to me that this is not implemented! How many groups of friends are out there who played magic as children but now do not live close together anymore. Yet now they have the disposable income for mtg and draft with friends is one of the most fun ways to play magic together. Please make this availbe. The foundation is already there
Golgothicus#92561 commented
Please please please see about adding this functionality! The draft part is already there, just need to be able to arrange invites for specific players, and then some kind of basic tournament structure. Would replace paper magic for me entirely.
Thebowshow#69743 commented
Groups of my friends who can't draft in person anymore, would love to draft and play in this beautiful ui. Private 6-8 person drafts we would pay real money for every time.
I sont care about building an online collection, but I would pay for the experience of drafting and playing with real life buddies anyway. We are the guys who sell or give away our cards after a pre release so we can go play more.
Eye Clocks#55030 commented
Yes, I made a suggestion along the same lines! There's no way to do ANYTHING with a group of friends in Arena. Draft with a group would be a huge improvement!