Turn off card / board animations
Now that Arena has a good player base, with some of them who are playing for a long time ago, i suggest, with a button on the interface, the possibility for the user to
switch off all the card animations / board animations.
For those like me who play a lot and since a while, we get tired of the same animations again and again and it would improve our game experience.
For those with little configurations it would perhaps avoid some crash and improve fluidity of the game.
Well. I see only advantages in this options doesn't you ? Implement it please.

kubulux#43339 commented
It's really needed on ipad app as well. I have older ipad and since some update of Arena it is really awful to use. I need performance mode to turn off fancy animations and effects PLEASE!
QQQ#30408 commented
For Control deck animations are time wasting during tournaments
Glennjamin#42939 commented
Some animations, like Kroxa, are so bad for my computer. This is a card game, let me play a lower fidelity version.
Tallise#49216 commented
I would be great if we could select animation type too, like i 100% hate unnecessary flourishes and time wasted, waiting on some stupid land to enter my hand then be played or an attack to happen. i dont need to see the fire balls, i need the action to complete. i literally dont pay attention to the app, i am multitasking work or a real game and looking down when i hear the audio FINALLY stop. this is the equivalent to the overly hyped kid at tournament making sound effects and yugioh "dance" moves as he puts cards down and declares actions. it's at this point taking from the experience rather than adding to it in a positive way.
Monogreen#21118 commented
I don't do Vampires. Like at all. And petals of blood raining from the ceiling while I'm playing a game make me physically uncomfortable.
CPU_Batman#30057 commented
My computer has some issues at times, so limiting animations would help with performance.
JAGStow#84987 commented
As a user with a sensory processing disorder, this is very much an accessibility issue for me. It would be nice to lower the mental load being placed on me with these additional animations.
Jefe#53322 commented
I like the animations some of the time. Other times I'd like to turn them off. My computer is getting older so the animations hurt the performance significantly.
PenelopePickle#24616 commented
Specifically just the uneeded card animations. Like when you play brazen borrower right?
Like the damage and board wipe animations etc. Are all relevant for actually keeping track with the games.
And as a serial clicker, I honestly love all the backdrop animations for addibg to the world building and giving me something to do when waiting on a salty ropeout.
But yeah thise spotlight animations get old real fast.
Tee-Bag#08255 commented
I want to disable EVERYTHING - pets, avatars, card backs, card styles - EVERYTHING!
GrizzledEnchanter#78911 commented
I like the animations but more options is always better for people
PatJamma#68775 commented
Would also love the ability to hide pets and disable particle effects on the stack
mattyrellu#10396 commented
The option for reduced motion is also important for increased accessibility for affected users
Thrillhouse#67735 commented
Would also be great for playing on older machines.
Carl#29203 commented
Turning down the amount of vfx by disabling the special animations and effects would also help with performance issues, especially on mobile devices.
AwsmDevil#10760 commented
Disabling animations per card would be even better since brazen barower and the decayed mechanic are just of the most absolutely obnoxious mechanics in the game. But, an On/Off option is badly needed regardless.
Remdesivir#54109 commented
I would consider returning to Arena with this feature!
Thalien#37901 commented
I keep losing matchs because of the stupid animations... 🤬🤬🤬
JacobEH#22462 commented
Yeah. Especially with the super annoying ones like Brazen Borrower. I'm already getting blown out, why do you need to rub salt in the wound. All it does is increase the chances of people rage quitting.