Implement AI Difficulty Levels for 'Sparky'
I'm a casual Magic Arena player. I enjoy playing Arena. What I don't appreciate about the game is the horrendous difficulty level of the AI 'Sparky'. I feel as though it's completely unfair that if I decided to play against an AI opponent, it's basically a guaranteed win because the AI is quite possibly the dumbest, most powerless opponent of all time. Why am I forced to play against other people?! This is extremely frustrating to players like myself who want a fairly challenging opponent without getting dismantled by more experience players who do nothing but download prem-made decks off of the internet and dismantle casual gamers like myself. Some of the older Magic the Gathering game son Xbox and Playstation had nothing but AI opponents and their difficulties were perfect! They were challenging yet not impossible to beat. Is it asking too much to have difficulty settings added to the AI so that players like myself could play an AI opponent and just enjoy the game?! Another benefit of playing against an AI opponent is not having to wait an ETERNITY for my opponent to make a move. Sometimes you come across players who just take FAR TOO LONG to make a move or let the timer clock run on on purpose because they're upset at the fact that they're about to lose the game. So, to be spiteful, they sit there and let the timer ( and all of their timeouts) run out before the game ends. Wizards, please, I beg you, ADD an adjustable difficulty setting to the AI!

EmeraldScout#53745 commented
I agree!