Game either land floods or land screws. Fix your ******** game!!!
Game either land flood for 5 turns or screws me for 5 turns. Fix your dumb game. FFS!!!
paulage#33048 commented
i play a hundred games a day maybe. i swear on some days- like today- its impossible to start w more than 2 lands no matter how much you mulligan. today no matter what i do its 2 lands or less no matter what!!
ARivasII89#76709 commented
6 lands, a Thoughtseize, and Fatal Push to start a game against cat/oven.
2 lands in a 25 land deck for Game 2 and nothing more. The ******* opponent kept a one lander and hit 3 lands, while I never saw a 3rd.....when they run 2-3 less lands!!! And of course, I was only given three drops, none of my ******* 8 two drops.
********, ARENA!
Blastbeat666#86729 commented
I second on this post.
Its stupidly annoying. Come on, its the main problem in magic since forever. Give us a mechanic where we wont miss land, or wont be flooded either!
TES legend understood this well. Hiw come you cant.