Sparky Enhancements -1. Difficulty slider. 2. Deck selection, to include player-created decks
I like to play against Sparky to tune a deck, or if I want a game faster than online, and there are two items I think would make for a better experience.
First of all, a difficulty slider for the AI. It's a tad too easy at present.
Secondly, and more exciting, I would like to be able to have Sparky play using one of my decks, which I would pick at the beginning of the match.
Similar to a match-up UI in a sports game where you pick both your team and the one you play against, if that makes sense.
Ultimately, I would like to be able to create companion decks, suited specifically for play against one another, which would obviously require testing the decks against each other.
This would be the first step to that end.
Oh, and I primarily play Standard, but I'm sure these enhancements would benefit players of all game formats.