Achievement System
I am copy-pasting this from a forum post I made. It's a bit long-winded but bear with it, please. :) Thanks and I hope you like this idea. I really think it's a way to bring in new players, help new players to be more welcomed to the game by a more diverse meta created by the presence of what I suggest.
Now here. We. Go:
So, Magic is great. (the current meta excluded)
It's got the most depth, best gameplay, most interesting lore and longest run out of all the trading card games out there.
Been playing it myself since it was released and have kept every card to this day (minus the doubles sold or traded or made into decks /starter packagers to sell over the years, etc).
But online Magic is missing something that I feel is vital and would do nothing but add something good to the game - as well as potentially helping to fix the meta in the "Play" queue:
No, I'm not talking about chat even though MtG is an inherently social game and it's ridiculous and indefensible that chat doesn't exist.
I'm talking about achievements and an achievement reward track.
Games like Elder Scrolls Legends and Hearthstone, both lesser games, have this function - along with a bunch of functions they ripped straight from Magic. Time to rip one back.
Think about it - Achievements would give people a motivation to build other kinds of decks, play cards they might not otherwise play - this is a HUGE deal, because right now I personally have something like 20k cards and I cannot use the grand majority of them in a deck and still win vs the current meta on ANY queue - have goals other than "winning" for each game that they play. Having a wide variety of them would do a lot for the meta as you would see more and more people using decks to achievement-hunt. Sure, there'd still be net-decking losers looking to stomp on newbies but, I feel like it would lessen the burden by quite a lot.
Not to mention the other positive benefits:
A well-earned achievement during a match can take the sting out of a loss.
Achievements give people a way to distinguish themselves and to have a "trophy" so to speak of their accomplishments.
The achievements basically write themselves, as do the rewards. Titles that we can apply to our username, cosmetics, pets, special avatars / avatar variants / borders, special board items or life counters, just any number of cosmetic stuff, or even special cards for those really difficult achievements, or wild cards as rewards for the tiered ones.
I'd be happy as **** to contribute to this project. A pipe dream as I have no game experience but I love fleshing ideas like this out and running with them. I hope that you do. Moving on...
This idea just runs with itself and I would legitimately be shocked to learn that someone at Wizards of the Coast isn't already working on this.
The negatives simply don't exist.
Let's go, Wizards!
This is truly the best thing that could happen to Magic right now and the only non-divisive solution I see to help the Play queue and to break up the meta.
Edited to add a reply from later in the thread:
Some example achievements:
Summon 100/200/500/1000 Zombies - Tier 1 reward: C zombie style choice Tier 2: U zombie style Tier 3: R zombie style 4: Mythic zombie style, Title: Deathcaller
Summon Skeletons/whatever other types for cosmetic rewards - let you pick any one of the cards available for your cosmetic - different people will have different choices, or rather have their pick of say, ANY common Skeleton as an example - which adds to the cosmetic diversity of peoples' decks. Have a Title for each final tier i.e. Lord of Bones for skeletons and so on.
Do X Damage to your opponent: 10,000/100,000/500,000/1,000,000 - different title for each as well as a choice of classic mana-associated companions for rewards (Serra Angel for white, Lord of the Pit for black, Craw Wurm for green, Leviathan for blue, Shivan Dragon for red, Chaos Orb for artifact)
Counter X Spells: Tiered as above, titles of course ("The Denier")
Destroy X Creatures, see above.
And so on. There could of course be much more nuanced ones as well, like "play cards from anywhere but your hand" or "win the game with 1 hp" "absorb 100,000 damage personally without your life total changing", "transform x amount of creatures" etc etc. I meant it when I say these just write themselves. Looking through the cards presents hundreds of top-of-the-head ideas for these.
There could be achievements based around playing decks that are story themed i.e. only include cards from one set or block.
Some could reward special cards, Planeswalkers, etc as well. Can't call that pay to win as it would be based on achievements completed within the game, unlike the Mastery Track.
There are just so many possibilities for this kind of system that I could post on and on about it and I'm not even a professional at this. It's a limitless, self-producing concept. See? I made some more off the top of my head:
"Eye of the Tiger" - defeat an opponent who defeated you previously / same but in ranked - rewards: Title "The Champ" (cannot be attained playing a direct matchup with a friend of course).
"Sleight of Hand" - Cast 50/100/200/500 non-land cards from anywhere but your hand. Reward: Cosmetics / cards, but final reward Title : The Conjurer and a rabbit in a hat pet.
"Rise From Your Grave!" - bring 50/100/200/500/1000 creatures back from the graveyard to the battlefield - end reward? Title: The Necromancer and creature card that raises the dead (one that doesnt already exist and is only attainable this route - of your colour choice...though all variants include white, black, or green in their colour identity)
This also presents opportunites should you choose to do as many players would like and bring branded Secret Lairs, like the Walking Dead one, to MTGA. IP team-ups could bring in tons of players from other fandoms and excite the **** out of current ones. Some ideas for achievements that include this concept:
"They Mostly Come At Night. Mostly." - defeat 100/200/500/1000 any combination of horror and/or nightmare creature type. End reward: Now, this one would be nice to get a cosmetic reward for another card that is the titular Alien from the film / comic series replacing the card's art and lore. I don't have a card in mind, but I am sure there is something suitable. Maybe bring back Thrulls for this one, please?
"Get to the Choppa!" - concede X number of times while an opponent has win condition on the board. (Don't know how you'd implement this, it's just an idea though - could also use it for returning x number of creatures to your hand)
"I Ain't Got Time To Bleed"
Win X number of matches while under 5 hp.
Again, the end reward for this one would be nice if it were a cosmetic that replaced a card with The Predator. Maybe bring in "Kelsian, the Plague" to MTGA and have be the card that gets the cosmetic. Best fit off the top of my head. And I am sure there is a better achievement concept for this reward as well, but again this is stream of consciousness.
and one last one before I stop rambling:
"Pain Has A Face"
- Do X amount of damage to yourself. As a reward for this one, I'd love to see Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose have a cosmetic that turned him into Pinhead, the **** Priest from Hellraiser. Clive Barker is an excellent collaborator.
And that's it for this idea.

aekar#01799 commented
been wanting this for a while now. sad that almost no one read this
Vormulac Unsleep#59194 commented
Does anyone read these forums? :/