4 lands in starting hand = nearly always a mana flood
I noticed that for a long time, but now I did an analysis. With a 40 card draft deck when I have 4 lands in my starting hand that is nearly an auto-loss, because the next cards I draw are usually flooded with lands. From my last 30 matches with a 4-land starting hand the first 5 cards I drew were 5 lands once, 4 lands 18 times, 3 lands 7 times, 2 lands 3 times and 1 land once. I usually play 16 or 17 lands. Wizards, as I doubt that you will accept at any time that your shuffler is a broken mess, could you please add in your advices that players should always mulligan with 4 lands on Arena?

Dameon Geppetto#78715 commented
They don't care. It helps them make more money by making people angry via rigging losses (similar to Facebook's aggro algorithm). If you spend money on any Wizards of the Coast product, you are part of the problem. Stop buying gems and this will get fixed. Until the community bands together to stop spending money on the obviously rigged digital product, there is no incentive to fix the hard coded problems.
DrDamage#93694 commented
I've noticed the same thing long time ago. 4 lands = ~60/70% total flood. In the next 5 cards, 4 is usually lands.