Unable to Login - Authentic failed for "username"
Unable to Login - Authentic failed for "username"
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IceColdKilla#01304 commented
Same here, can't enter the game for almost 3 hours now. Please fix this.
Christoph#72170 commented
Selbe Problematik :(
CoconutBear#15554 commented
Same issue, failed login due to authentication error. I played mtg Arena mobile for the first time in a while this weekend while I was out of town. When I returned home to my PC I was unable to login this morning
leowizard73#32467 commented
Anche a me si è bloccato ed allego foto.
supporto Riusciamo a risolverlo. -
Ognirats#19267 commented
Yep. Same issue. Please keep us posted! I’m going thru withdrawals.
Satellight#99959 commented
same problem cannot log in authentication failed
eyecatcher#95522 commented
After patch i cant logg in... authentification failed
aapielekker#34729 commented
I have the same issue, I reset my password, but still have this issue
SID#97201 commented
Same. I can't log in. Please fix
Majesstica#96630 commented
Same problem :/
Frostmourne#78109 commented
same here
Oximar#45961 commented
Same problem.
Daig#60924 commented
Same problem!
Killian#79452 commented
Tone down the panic boys. It's gonna be ok.
Secor#13260 commented
same here, i tried everything and nothing. is there any support for this problem or someone has fixed?
blackhole#68901 commented
I have the same problem aswell...
Killian#79452 commented
You guys are out of control. It's maintenance and it takes like 3 clicks to find out what's going on.
Pitti206#87366 commented
Anomic#73349 commented
"Update - Scheduled @MTG_Arena downtime will be extended by 3 hours to better align with the update's full deployment. We will provide updates here as necessary.
Aug 24, 18:49 UTC" -
CingCarl#15432 commented
Same here, iOS