Unable to Login - Authentic failed for "username"
Unable to Login - Authentic failed for "username"
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Adriano93#36605 commented
Authentication failed same for me, please help
lazershark#97409 commented
same here!
BerserkeR#78618 commented
Same here
fgrobt#01331 commented
Azonavox#74671 commented
Just here for the Authentication Error Party!! WOO YEEEAAAH!! It's like playing against a control deck, but in real life!
futilitybelt#38079 commented
I'm on MacOS 10.14.6. When I open MTGA, I get either an endless loop of "Waiting for the server..." or "Unable to Login. Authentication failed for _username_"
I've tried updating the software through Epic Games, logging out and back in, rebooting my Mac, and uninstalling/reinstalling MTGA.
The game was working fine up until yesterday. When I've had similar issues in the past, running Epic Games to update MTGA has worked.
DreamerRedRaven#30714 commented
its been doing this for 3 hours now!
Christopherous#00587 commented
Well that's a relief, at least i'm not alone here
icequeen6810#89369 commented
Same here.
Mitridatesvi#03521 commented
Autentification error message after pass correctly username and password.
Kheldar#03287 commented
How do you fix it? If it isn't something on my end I would like my gems reimbursed, please!
Harry Dresden#45817 commented
I guess they tried to warn us yesterday
Harry Dresden#45817 commented
Thanks JasonRed3! That was driving me nuts trying to figure out what was wrong.
TimB65#02937 commented
I am using an iPhone Se 2nd gen and am having the same issue, I tried resetting my password but that didn’t to help.
Harry Dresden#45817 commented
Same here!!! Can’t login!!!
JackofNone#82183 commented
me 10! AH thx for link below.
JasonRed3#79726 commented
https://magicthegatheringarena.statuspage.io/Update in progress.
Tomol#74886 commented
same issue
JasonRed3#79726 commented
Happening here, too.
Dave#24792 commented
Same problem. What happened?