Display name
It would be nice to be able to change one's display name. Personally, I would even be willing to pay to change my display name.

GeneralSativa#36339 commented
I feel this soo much. I remember it would let me do it a year or two ago and it said the name I wanted was taken, so I didn't do it then. Now it seems not impossible. Rocking the same old screen name from my hippie days. Something a bit less degenerate would be nice. 🫠
Court#44473 commented
Please fix this! Didn't realise usernames were permanent otherwise I wouldn't have used my name
Dhuma#47474 commented
This would be an actually good and very important quality of life in this game, if you (talking to devs) want a permanent bind to an account, make an account id thats different to the display name / in-game name, like steam has, think about how they do it, change the name however you like whenever you like, displaying whatever in any game any time, meanwhile always having and unique unchangeable identifier.
ploogle#79449 commented
This, please. I've moved away from the username I started with on most of my socials, it'd be wonderful to be able to change my display name if not my account name.
KarlMarxIsKool#66632 commented
Pls Wizards, I made this ****** username when I was an edgy 13 y/o and all I want to do is change it to something more fitting for my age. Truly don't understand why you can't change your username even like once a year
MC Specious Dorkmonger#16695 commented
What the **** is wrong with this company such that they just randomly assign extra **** to put on the end of your display name, and then don't give you any way to change it? Absolutely pathetic.
onomakaos#37334 commented
pls make it happen. i want to change the name, just once.
Rampage#20358 commented
This is insane, why they not implement this?
Osamot#03227 commented
I don't feel comfortable with the name I use because there was an error between my brother's account and my account, I can't change it when it should be something basic.
181gaming#38800 commented
j-bonez#57312 commented
This is important to new players to Spelltable. I made this trash username when signing up and I’d like an easier, less cheesy way to be referred to when playing with real people.
Command What#89727 commented
I want to change my name because I didn’t really know what to put when I started my account.
Tyc#72192 commented
i agree. if you have a sucky username, you should be able to change it once a year if needed
LegatoMTG#79730 commented
Agreed. I hate the display name on my "good" account so much, that I made another account. But I can't play on the new one because I don't have the same card base, gems, tokens, or coins...
Please let us change it - even if it's just once and after that we have to pay for any additional time!
kreg.mosier@gmail.com#12575 commented
It seems absurd to be asking to do this in this, the year of our lord, 2023. Do better.
Mcons50#68002 commented
It was not (that I recall) indicated initially that naming was permanent otherwise I would not have used my current name. I was trialing a free game initially to determine if I would invest in it. I decided to go with it only to find my trial name was permanent unless I go through the tedious effort of building a new account. This feature is dead simple to implement and as long as my credit card is good I should be able to call myself whatever I want in game.
chelo#62158 commented
Keep you username ID and create a display name that can be changed at least once per year. This is a problem from technology of the 2002 +-
JDIR#99016 commented
Sure, you can't b'cuz it's blocked form their online forum, you can made new account if your old one not making in App purchase. Then you can use giveway code if you subscribe notify mail form wizard.
Theris Nothere#34112 commented
I think it’s a pretty basic feature that should be available
Jhafeel#17658 commented
My Display Name is how I identify myself in public spaces online.
It is common practice to allow users to choose their own Display Name.
Even if only once, we are given that ability.
Please let us choose our Display Name so we can choose how we identify ourselves.