Cant login
Cant login as it cannot authorize my login

Henixon#72566 commented
Try this:
Start MTG Arena with admin rights.
Rightclick -> run as admin
Kruste#64935 commented
I have this as of 12:00 9/25/2023. After the system told me to restart I cannot login Authenication failed, I tried reconnect and Log out
palmermerfolk#86342 commented
I have this as of 4:38 9/25/2023. After the system told me to restart I cannot login Authenication failed, I tried reconnect and Log out
Raslt#26943 commented
I have this as of 14:28 August 11, 2022. After the system told me to restart I cannot login Authenication failed, I tried reconnect and Log out
InkCantation#15063 commented
I can’t log in just reset my password still won’t log in
Korben#96267 commented
It’s hopeless every other app in iOS and Android I have just updates…Arena is a joke for updates…surprised given how much money I throw in how shithouse the service is.
DJLoki910#21596 commented
This game is horrible. Waiting for server, cards left on stack not resolving, lands not untapping after opponents turn, paradox engine not working, can't log in, I got to attack on my opponents turn, player matchups bugged I could go on but...and this all started after the last big update.
melrose_place#03704 commented
Yeah, today not one game is possible. Totally bad service