Cannot play brawl/friendly brawl with friends. Decks stuck on standard
When trying to direct challenge friend with brawl selected, Niether of us can select any type of brawl decks (Brawl, friendly brawl, historic braw, ect). When trying to edit to the brawl decks they all acutomatically get set to standard and there is no option of changing it. Only happened when they introduced the 250 card limit to friendly.
Any solution or fix would be great. Cheers.
Matheushar#12506 commented
Same problem here, there's is around one year and nothing to do about this yet
DEATH#10015 commented
Alchemey (which no one wants) has broken it even further. It's been years now. Just fix it ffs.
It's not even a difficult issue to fix. Seems like it's being ignored on purpose. -
Dezzy#27275 commented
ShadowDragon#01890 perfectly explained the issue. Been a loooong time with no fix. Help!
ShadowDragon#01890 commented
Having the same issue. The person sending the challenge can pick a brawl deck but the person being challenged doesn't have the option of selecting a brawl deck. The game thinks they are being challenged to a regular 60 card standard game. Then it gives an unable to validate deck error to both players and the game locks on the deck selection screen.
Hard_Boiled commented
Same Probleme here! Please, we need a solution wizzard! Come on, you take our money and our souls, so get your job done!
unstoppelbar#48994 commented
same here!!! please fix this
Zwarte#60492 commented
same problem
Mojo#79285 commented
Same issue here, really dissapointing!!
orangedragon11#29209 commented
Still an issue a month later. Please give an update! There are almost 10 different threads with the same issue!
RockaholicRaven#48618 commented
So you are telling me its been almost a month and this is still broken? Man what great customer support system wizzards has
me1054#13924 commented
Still an issue on PC. Mobile is fine.
driws#52882 commented
Same here, only standart decks
DeathHolme#49632 commented
me and my freind Are having the same issue. we havent tried building any standard decks for brawl atm but all other decks present with a triangle with the nubmer of cards that are not allowed inthe format. this feels intentionally done imo opinion. i play this game with my freinds and ranked to diamond on my own but it sucks only playing against people that you dont know in historic but cant with people you do know.
fijnheid#36699 commented
Same here.
After accepting the brawl challenge, when in the deck selection screen, it seems to filter only 60-card standard decks, rather than brawl/commander decks. Unable to select a valid deck as a result. This occurs 100% of the time and completely blocks me from playing Brawl against friends. -
ShroomsAreSafe#36837 commented
Same, but they don't seem to have even noticed. Its almost like they don't even have a QA team
Akkanthuruz#16044 commented
Confirmed. My friends and I play on Fridays and Saturdays and challenge each other to friendly brawl matches with dozens of decks for hours of fun, but now none of that works. The challenges cannot be sent and the decks cannot be edited and turn to standard by default. Would appreciate it if you'd take a look at this issue and fix it.
Hlidskjalf#48038 commented
My son is having this same issue playing on PC. I play on mobile and it allows me to select a brawl deck without fail and does not change it to STANDARD. He's tried multiple decks and we've tried multiple styles of brawl, but every time, without fail it changes the decks to STANDARD when we try to start a match.