Not receiving any gold from 3 completed dailies today
started today at 800 gold, finished all 3 dailies that were each at least 500 gold and my 800 total is still there.

chaja#05380 commented
Same here. The gold is not added anymore to my account.
SonataArctica#94814 commented
I have won 10 Matches (700 Gold) and complete a 750 Gold Quest. I also miss the 500 Gold from the mastery pass. = 1950 Gold
In 10 minute I get a new daily quest, I hope I get the money from this quests and matches.
I used my tablet. But now I will try it from my PC.
kgw#90783 commented
Have similar problem. Seems nothing updates. Gold/gems/quests etc. Have to quit application and restart for gold etc to be updated. Platform IPad. Happening since crimson vows update.