Not getting rewards from Mastery or Daily wins
I am not gaining rewards from daily wins or mastery. I just won 4 games in a row, going from 1 to 5 daily wins, and getting to mastery level 17. I didn't receive any gold from the daily wins, nor did I get the booster pack for mastery level 17.
I am playing on iOS.

TheOneWhoKnocks#48770 commented
I’m having the same kind of issue. Only, the game will tell me post-match that I received something like “1500 gold and 500 xp” or something and show me the pack or card or whatever, which is normal. But then, when I look at my currency or up at the “packs” tab for the little notification marker, neither have changed from before I won the last game. Has this happened to you? Or does it just not tell you that you’re entitled to anything?