Network Error, Unable to join event
Receiving "Network Error, Unable to join event. Please try again later" error trying to join a game in all modes.

rulesadvisordropout#74250 commented
I am also getting this error after winning a game of midweek magic and attempting to rejoin. Trying a reinstall.
Reinstall fixed it in my case. -
GFireflyE#21326 commented
Currently receiving this error. Has this been resolved elsewhere?
airrosemyth#04735 commented
I’m facing the same issue now. I used 2,000 gem to enter SOI raster sealed, but I will just get the lowest prize.
Duvall01#38934 commented
In all game modes, I am unable to join matches. Keep getting the message "Network Error Unable to Join Event. Please Try Again Later" No matter what event or type of match I try.
chris hartley#32453 commented
I have Net Work error often as well,
thatiscrazyy#01568 commented
I have tried logging out and logging back in, restarting the client multiple times and restarting my phone and still gives the error.
thatiscrazyy#01568 commented
Unable to join any event. Gives the "Unable to join event. Please try again later" for any game mode. Been like this since the start of the morning. It is currently December 6, 2022.
Maya#02681 commented
Network error on dec 6 2022, when i click "play" i get a window saying "network error. Unable to join event. please try again later."