The option for Paper OR live formats
Please give us the option to play historic (and other non-standard formats) as a "paper" format with no digital only cards/mechanics and rebalnces. Standard has never been my favourite format so when historic was added to Arena I was thrilled. But between digital only cards, mechanics and rebalanced cards it just doesn't feel like I'm playing the card game I've fallen in love with.

CapitainRage#29825 commented
Please, please, could you make a version of historic without the digital-only cards?
I'm sure some people love it, but some of us just want an alternative where we can play online with the same pool we have for paper magic without the hassle of mechanics like "seek" or "perpetual effects".
People building around those mechanics probably love them, but for more paper-based players who just want to play remotely with friends the same types of decks we play at home, they really take out a lot of the fun and create a very unbalanced experience.
CatNoir#75060 commented
We really need a eternal format without this whole RNG stuff and constant nerfs or buffs. Leave historic alone and add Pioneer or modern.