Please remove Alchemy
Please remove Alchemy from Historic.

Sindrelari#41376 commented
They won't ever do it because they need to push sales for their disgusting corporate overlords. Game sucks and is so unbalanced. They push 50% win rates by rigging the shuffler and pumping out garbage overpowered cards like Black Market Connections. Literally Yugioh is better than this garbage. I hope wizards fails and goes under. They deserve it anymore.
Oribiahn#91546 commented
Ces cartes sont une des pires idées que vous pouviez avoir !!! Exile it please !
Rannulfer#19268 commented
I hate these cards. They do not feel or play like magic. Just seems like MTG's answer to rng card games like Hearthstone and it is trash.
KingYoshi#73486 commented
100% agree.
Cards that have never been printed should not exist in MTG.If fake cards are not allowed in real life tournaments then they have no place in MTGA tournaments.
I3yrn#14340 commented
I wonder if a petition or a complete boycott of arena until alchemy is taken out of all formats and put in its own format for people who want to play with fake cards would actually do something..
iQQ#84468 commented
Why are fake cards allowed to be played in ranked matches ? (Let alone added to arena in the first place?)
Zadkhiel#89047 commented
I can't even think who thought of that abominable format and why the company let that happen. They destroy their own game. I loved playing modern and vintage in the tabletop. So I really like historic. But they ruined it by letting the disgusting historic cards in. Now I play games that remind of hearthstone. The beauty of the strategic game of magic lost by cards that play like a **** roullete. I feel like I am in a casino. You dissapoint me. I play magic the gathering tabletop from 2000. 23 years of mtg and it's the first time I feel like wizards want to ruin their own game. Really really bad format and it ruins the beauty of the game for new players. Remove it from historic and make it standalone format. Let all those who want to gamble to play with other gamblers. My god. I can't stand this god forsaken alchemy. I am thinking of dropping historic. Alchemy IS NOT MTG. For gods sake stop poisoning my beloved game!
(Edited by admin) -
T4tt4#83584 commented
ALSO: Anytime I import a standard deck on Arena is automatically set on Alchemy... I HATE THAT FORMAT
Blastbeat666#86729 commented
each and every times I clicked to play alchemy, it was a mistake because you put that option first, stop it
Blastbeat666#86729 commented
Alchemy is not appealing.
People could say, well, just don't play.
but you keep that option as the main selection when we click on play.
people want to play standard... stop pushing alchemy as the main game.
you were a printed card company, dont make MTG a digital game, it was never meant to be that way!
start another digital game if you want but leave mtg the way its supposed to be... with 1 version of each card, playable on table or digital... its not normal that you can have 2 versions of the same card, just to nerf it in a pathetic way -
Iratus412#29999 commented
I genuinely hope whomever decided to force alchemy into historic suffers. You pigeonhole cards into a format NO ONE LIKES TO PLAY, and disable cards that DO EXIST from the Explorer format which Is SUPPOSED TO BE CARDS THAT ARE PRINTED.
You don’t even follow your own guidelines. It’s a farce and you just keep screwing up your biggest cash cows with anti-consumer strategies that want to strangle any whale for all they’re worth, then force them to quit. You’ve done it with D&D and you’ve been doing it with MTGA ever since Alchemy released.
Rynkar#98080 commented
how is alchemy still here. ******* remove it you brain dead idiots. no one likes them that isn't already a ******** whale.
thewheelerdog#21482 commented
Every event for the past month has been "alchemy" inclusive! I DON'T PLAY THAT GARBAGE!!!!!! If it uses fake (not included in the actual card game that arena mocks and pretends to be) cards and mechanics, I DON'T PLAY IT PERIOD!!! Can you ship pushing your horrible product down my throat and give me a mid week magic or a limited event THAT'S NOT ALCHEMY???!!!!
P.S. fire whoever is responsible for alchemy being a thing. -
Dimeam09#85664 commented
Stop pushing Alchemy on everyone.
Alchemy is a weak format, not fun, and can alienate new players from the table format.
We currently have four Draft formats... Three of them are ALCHEMY. Not even with the season pass that changes, so it's HORRIBLE to get normal cards.
The only reason to play these Draft formats is to get gems and buy the season pass, because with that you gain levels and, as a reward, you can win non-Baldur's Gate boosters...
This is too horrible to keep playing...
Stop it, please!
Cavemantero#32906 commented
Alchemy is trash and is not MTG. Make a separate game if you want a hearthstone experience instead of trying to sell us the same cards TWICE.
Known_Kadath#59553 commented
This goes for Historic Brawl as well. Get that **** out of here!
Ad_Strravs#31833 commented
Please remove alchemy mechanics and fire the person whom thinked that "perpetualy" was a good idea. It's just unbelievable that someone coming out with that idea has a job designing anything.
infinitedraw#72725 commented
I really like Alchemy in historic. If Alchemy was in a category all on its own then I probably would not play Alchemy at all. 95% of what I play is historic, having the digital only content is what makes Arena unique.
What about Jumpstart: Historic Horizons? Is that on your removal list too? Those are only for Historic... and not playable in Alchemy.
The amounts of sets Arena would have to add to give us Pioneer is still quite a lot. In time we might get there though. -
glitt#37896 commented
Get rid of alchemy
Damianar06#52282 commented
Can you please get rid of alchemy and stop ruining our game. If you want alchemy to be a thing then make it its own thing. It is NOT Magic, the gathering. If that's to much to ask then please please please remove it from historic. Or give us Pioneer.