crash when selecting a deck
the system crash (afer 10 seconds) when i try to change the deck
PC Windows 10
French release
version : 2021.12.0.3961 (3961.902937)
I think this problem appeared since I activated the quest "Alchemy"
Frespic#51014 commented
Toujours pas résolu en 2022.16.0.4136 (4136.934468) ... Crash toujours à la sélection des Decks Starter. Boring.
Koslo#78179 commented
the game stops when i try to open a deck "patrouille céleste"
Koslo#78179 commented
The game stops when i try to open a deck "patrouille céleste"
Xamã do Pântano#55531 commented
Guys i think i could solve the problem passing the mouse only over the text box (where you write the deck name) and changing the deck name. The problem MAYBE is relactioned with the languages ...sorry for the english ,hope i could help!
algrad#00251 commented
Same here, French version on Windows 10, when my mouse is hover the deck "Patrouille céleste", the game crashes.
Koubikouzi#18165 commented
Effectivement quand on change la langue il y a une amélioration. Je peux changer de deck mais le bug reste présent. Merci pour l'info. ça me dépanne le temps que la bug soit résolu.
Koubikouzi#18165 commented
I hadn't played for a long time and I just resumed but I get disconnected as soon as I go to the decks page. I created a new account and it does not log me out. So there must be a conflict with the cards I have in my decks.
Shandels#63689 commented
I no longer had this problem with the update but after playing my first standard event the bug reappeared
Fedde4r6#27210 commented
try to open the game from your phone app, then try to delete that deck, after that go and restar the computer client and check if that deck stills there. if its not, problem solved.
my english sucks, sorry guys.
Frespic#51014 commented
Bug toujours présent sur la dernière version... Impossible de lancer une partie en passant par la sélection du deck. Problème avec les decks offerts?
Bananasas#33722 commented
I can do anyting, for me crashes on english or french. First time i spend crystal on Masstery pass, and cant play normaly :D
Kenshin#90309 commented
I'm Happy to have new decks thanks to the other bug being fixed.
I'm not happy that the game crashes when I try to select one of these new decks.
Seriously mates, these are game breaking issues, we should not have to wait months for a fix. -
exnihile#96472 commented
Same! game crashes when I hover a specific deck :)
I found a workaround tho :
1. switch from French to English
2. changed the name of the deck
3. switched back to FrenchIt might work for any other language?
BIRDAO#86932 commented
When i try to select the Deck section the game just close.
Isa#99339 commented
Everytime when i hover over the deck "Gestärkt Menschen" (this deck is a copy from a midweek event) the game crashed to desktop.
I tried to change the language, but this doesn't help.
The "ä" is not the problem, because i have several other decks with this letter and they work as intended. -
Auron86#18862 commented
Appena muovo il cursore su un solo mazzo, ultimo fatto, il gioco si blocca e chiude
Cornyx#23651 commented
The game crash when i try to select a particular deck in my colection, I can't delete it or edit it or even play it. The deck is for the new alchemy event just made to test the new buffs
NDarkstar#65652 commented
This is my experience, although I've not tested it extensively or with many other languages.
Mousing over any affected deck will cause the game to crash. It's not possible to change the deck name, delete the deck, or even select the deck for this reason. Changing display languages does not appear to make a difference. As the decks are stored server-side, there appears to be no way for an end-user to delete a deck on their own without involving customer service.
Locale on the computers this was tested on is set to US English.
Installed version is English client with the most recent patch released today with version number 2022.14.30.4069.923260.
Affected decks, for me, are any with non-English characters. I've a couple decks with dual-byte characters and all of these decks, without exception, trigger the crash.
This occurs across multiple computers with different operating systems. (W10 / W11)
Sucho#41223 commented
Is nobody gonna do anything to deal with this? It happens to me since a week, but people have had that problem for months now!
FelFireFerret#85550 commented
When I try and choose a deck to start playing game crashes.
I was playing few hours before without trouble, even a draft.
It started bugging after I bought mastery pass.
Attached is the log