lose rank point when win
Hopefully this a bug and not a feature... When I win a game in bo3 and my opponent conceides the match I only win one rank point instead of the usual two. This happened a couple times and today my opponents won game one and conceided the match and I LOST RANK!!! My opponent conceided the match and I lost points... I put the screenshot of the match history and victory sign with -1 point...
So now if I play against a deck I hate I can just conceide so they don't get their fullrank great feature!...

[Deleted User] commented
For Draft problems go to https://mtgarena-support.wizards.com/hc/en-us/requests/new/ and select "Report a problem with my event."
Spurly#54120 commented
Just lost two pips in ranked after winning a Bo3. How do I fix this?