Player turn time limit
For the love of god, reduce the amount of time a player has to use each round, or at least reduce the amount of time before the time outs kick in. The turn length gets used and abused because of the game design. No one needs more than 30 seconds to figure their turn out. Just another ding in this game.

xarope#00267 commented
And there are still players who gain additional time even using this... I thought additional time was only for those who didn't spend extra time!
Leeza#91657 commented
troydest#65669 commented
Op and commenter make points worth hearing. They need a shorter limiter that resets as you act. Currently you have enough time to really abuse it, but also time out in the middle of activating a bunch of triggers. Let people that are doing stuff do stuff and punish people who rope or need to read every card over and over resulting in a unfun match. There is a bot to play if you’re still learning and need long turns, but most are just being dicks and if you slow play them back they will concede.
sistance#29447 commented
This is bad. Just because YOU think a deck should only take 30 second turns the whole game, doesn't mean that's fair. The game kicked me out of a turn that I would have won on because it slowly drains the turn even when I'm casting spells as fast as it will let me. I ended up losing because it cut me off on the turn. At least the game should not penalize you as long as you're casting spells - this mandatory time limit is unfair and makes it impossible to play certain deck archetypes. Please at least stop making the turn end if the players are doing meaningful things - forcing the opponent to draw every card in his/her library is not a "stalled game state" in any sort of way and we shouldn't be penalized by the turn getting cut short. This wouldn't happen in a tournament unless you played for an entire 45 minutes, which I didn't even get close to.