Jinxsis#84795 commented
I just checked, for people who are following this, it works now
Vurtigo#96272 commented
It happened to me as well still going after two days down to the same error message
Floracoline#90526 commented
Same issue here, restarted Game, restarted Steam, verified Steam overlay is enabled for MTGA, issue persists.
TheeFiction#88054 commented
Same issue still for me
Neuron#55006 commented
got this same error trying to buy gems on steam. have funds.
opened a ticket on the support page. -
Jinxsis#84795 commented
Same issue,
Aunkai#00791 commented
Same issue. You'd think their store not working would be something they would address or communicate about, but no.
bucketman23#54745 commented
Just had this start happening.....
Don't you love how they can't even watch over their own game? lol
Khann Uurr#58856 commented
Same Issue, Restarted Game, Restarted Steam, Verified Steam overlay is enabled and enabled for game, Uninstalled and Reinstalled game, issue persists.
Styxiedust#56816 commented
Same issue here, overlay is on, Steam has been restarted multiple times.