Issue with promo pack codes
Promo pack codes are being completed by bots or something of the like. The last 10 promo packs I have received from my LGS have codes already redeemed when I go to enter them.

Colbey81#29120 commented
I have 7 Outlaws of Thunder Junction promo pack Arena code cards. All of them from my LGS from going to Pioneer FNM and Saturday night Modern the last couple of months. When I have tried to redeem them in the Arena store, on my Windows pc, they all error and say they've already been redeemed. I am not happy that part of my prize from winning matches is taken by this bug or bot redemption scam. At least the two Blumborrow codes I got this weekend worked.
Snizzy#59975 commented
I recently opened 2LoTR pre release boxes. Neither promo code worked, stating it had already been used.
Part of why I get these is for the free Arena packs.