60/120 fps support for ios/android
We need to be able to utilize both 60 and 120hz displays for mobile. I understand locked 30 fps preserves the battery life but it is not a big issue for tablet devices. There is an unofficial 120 fps solution for Hearthstone and it makes playing on my ipad so much more enjoyable and the game looks buttery smooth! Please consider it.

HeyBuferd commented
Shame this doesn't have more votes. 60 FPS+ would be premium.
However, let's not forget that we barely got a version which runs at 30 FPS. Remember when it would run at 13 FPS if lucky?
Mousssine#10696 commented
It is unplayable at 30 FPS. PLEASE, fix it <3
99ManaButTheBitchAint1#70977 commented
This definitely needs more attetion. It´s unplayable at 30 FPS. Can´t finish a match without getting eye and brain damage.
egg#93540 commented
+1 to this!!! Recently purchased an iPad for this exact purpose and would greatly appreciate the option to take advantage of the device's full potential.
Madhouse123#31873 commented
iPads are so powerful now, please allow us the option to set a framerate higher than 30fps.
Kalabalik#98401 commented
Please consider an opt-in setting for uncapped frame rate so that users with high-end devices can make full use of their hardware. It is ridiculous that Magic Arena is capped at 30 fps on Ipad Pro. The M4 chip could easily run this game at 240 fps.
looter#17704 commented
I have an iPad Pro M4 1tb which has more than enough power to run Arena at 120 fps but we're locked to 30. Please make it an option from 30-120..
SYXBRO#46081 commented
Too bad it only runs at 30FPS. For me that's really not enough to have a nice experience.
ALF 101#04705 commented
100%. 30 fps causes such an eye and mental straining, I cannot play for more than 30 minutes without suffering a headache.
60fps or even 120 fps would make the app be much visually smoother and appealing.
valent0ne#05451 commented
Please allow us to have the option for 60 fps on ios/ipados/android (just like on pc).
This is essential, especially with touch controls. I avoid playing on mobile precisely because the framerate is capped to 30.
MDF#96955 commented
Second this 30fps is incredibly jarring and for a long time on the Tab S7 I just thought I was getting poor performance rather than it being locked which I've since confirmed is the case, just an option would be nice rather than locking it at 30 all the time, find it difficult to play at 30fps I must confess.
Jobee#13847 commented
I have the game on my iPhone 12 Pro Max and my iPad Pro 2020, and the game feels a little lackluster still compared to the PC version due to the framerate being so low. The option of allowing the use of higher refresh rates like 60 fps and 120 fps would be a nice touch to fully use my devices' capabilities and allow for much smoother gameplay, closer to a PC experience.
TravHogan#74772 commented
I’m using an iPad Pro 11 and would expect either by default on an option to use 60 FPS. In hearthstone, I’m able to modify the options.txt file to enable a frame rate of up to 120fps. Both games are built in unity and the desktop Arena has a very high refresh rate. Thank you for your consideration.