Scute Swarm Bug
The game times out on you if you reproduce too many scute swarms with a life gaining card like Prosperous innkeeper. I timed out because I made 175 scute swarms plus added those life counters and it would not let me skip the scute swarm making graphics or move onto my next step. So it prevented me from attacking to end the game and then from taking another turn until my timer expired.

Roymand#15057 commented
Should've taken some screenshots but good to know that this little insect will never go away. Why do I as the opponent have to lose time because my opponent played it for a million triggers on the stack when it's their card and their trigger? Should the rope not be stopped in the middle of a stack resolution when nobody is able to act?
As8s#96310 commented
My opponent did this and it caused me to timeout and lose
PhyrianProductions#23768 commented
I was just on the other side of a similar game; opponent's Prosperous Innkeepers had to each resolve multiple times and the game hung up entirely on the back end. Game ended in a draw after trying to resolve the last batch of the stack.
toastmaster#50167 commented
I am running into timeout issues when i pair scute swarm and prosperous innkeeper. Because the system has to add the triggered abilities after each scute resolution, it takes forever instead of instantly resolving the stack like it should (i.e. both players don't care, we're sitting and waiting for it to all resolve).
Most recently i started getting warnings 'DO SOMETHING ELSE OTHERWISE THE GAME WILL END IN A DRAW'.
This is also a problem. I would love to do something else, but i can't , because the stack is full of triggered abilities resolving and it won't just cycle through them.
Please figure out some way to get this to resolve in a reasonable amount of time.