IOS app crash after SNC update
After SNC update the app keep crashing when open (IOS) reinstall fix the problem, but after close and reopen, the problem return

Wulfstryke#48915 commented
All Wizards has no intention of fixing this as all they care about is the cash they get, they are focusing on the main interaction which is PC. I suffer along with all of you. there is no rime or reason when the App will lock and freeze resulting in either force closing the app and rebooting it and hoping you get back in to the game quick enough or you lose the match. this has been an ongoing issues since Kaw. cam out. this was a full 4 sets ago. I doubt they will even address this. Wizards has become a BS company only caring about how much money they can bring in, instead of making a stable reliable product. dare i say they are becoming the new EA?
Skierbot#32491 commented
Sorry to say, but the few people who have received responses from Wizards are saying that costumer support is replying that there is no fix for iOS. As of now, it appears that the iOS platform for the most part has been dropped.
Skierbot#32491 commented
Mon, are you saying that they do not plan to correct whatever they did in the SNC update to make most iOS devices inoperable? Almost two weeks and nothing has been announced.
GruulDruid#51870 commented
Please fix this soon!
Skierbot#32491 commented
Positive: they had game maintenance last night.
Negative: it did not solve the problem.
iOS still non-operational -
FJibber08#32638 commented
Same problem since SNC update. App works and then when you stop playing and next day want to play again, app does not open, even after restarting ipad. Have to delete app and reinstall with 20 minutes download. Unplayable and unnaceptable!
Orc.bane#90387 commented
Here as well. iPad air 6th gen. 15.4.1. Plenty of memory.
Was buggy for the last few updates. Would crash, but I could reload it.
Now, it just won’t load and full desistall/install has not fixed issue.Frustrating as The game works fine on my iPhone 13.
Mon-T#24064 commented
I emailed a lot, get back the same scripted response.
Later told me there is not a fix and it’s my issue not theirs.
They offered a refund of my last purchase…. But I won’t be able to play anymore -
Mon-T#24064 commented
Wizards support told me there is no fix…. Offered to refund my last purchase, told me if I use the items I am banned. Said they have no fix. What a joke
ZombyWoof#66982 commented
Same issue.
Since SNC, the client on iOS will crash after some gameplay, and you can't start it again. You need to remove the app and reinstall it with the huge download, only to have it happen again after some more gameplay. I have reinstalled the app 5+ times already, and it just keeps happening.
It's unstable and basically unplayable on iOS. I don't know how or why the App Store approved this build.
Please fix this ASAP and move it to the Known Issues list so at least we iOS players feel acknowledged.
SuriCounter#90097 commented
Same here for IOS.
Cash#95758 commented
Here also. iPhone X with 15.4.1 and 256gb.
Cadstat#38209 commented
Same always reinstalling problem on my ipad. Enough space, last IOS update. Why it’s so long to fix it?
BillClay8811#94415 commented
Please, the only way I have to play Magic at the moment is on my iPhone 8. I can usually get in about 3 matches each time I reinstall the app. It has happened twice for my third loss of a draft. I can’t continue uninstalling/reinstalling the game every time I want to play. Please fix this.
Clockracer#14624 commented
just adding my voice, but yes same problem. iPhone X. works twice, then crashes after opening. need to delete and reinstall and then redownload the update.
i have enough space on my phone for the download. and the 2 times it does work I have zero problems.
thanks for any help. -
Eledrian#52409 commented
It’s been almost one week now that all the iOS devices can’t play the game… when will you react ?
まさぶー#57535 commented
早急な改善を求めます。 -
Petolilla#27792 commented
iPhone 8plus, same problem. Need reinstalling to play.
Venste#20981 commented
I may have found a solution.
After a fresh re-install i logged in with a dummy account, did the tutorial and the in-game download. I then logged out, and into my normal account. That seemed to have fixed it. I also may have “allowed this app to track my outside activity” this time (though i am not positive, but i know i did not allow it previously).
Nvm. Only fixed for half a day. -
Imbedaliel#91029 commented
So angry about this because I submitted a ticket only to get a canned response saying to post on here. At least I finally see some other people having the same problem as me.
It takes my up-to-date 5th generation iPad like 20 minutes to reinstall the app with the additional download data, so it’s basically unplayable as I have a life to live.
The last time I reinstalled it, I got to play one game before I went to look at packs, clicked an info link which annoyingly took me to Safari instead of opening a pop up window or something, and when I clicked the link to go back to the app, it crashed AGAIN. Haven’t reinstalled it yet again since because this is ridiculous and needs to be acknowledged and fixed. Like everyone else, it was fine before the update.