Invisible Disconnecting During Draft
For the second time now, while drafting Premiere Draft in SNC, I have encountered an issue in which my draft disconnects and the client doesn't tell me.
At first I thought my table was just taking a long time to pass, but then when I clicked the button to look at where the packs are on the table, it simply wouldn't let me. When I switched from my PC to my iPhone, I was able to get back in, and noticed I had missed several picks in a row. I tried to roll with it and do a few picks on my phone, but then my phone disconnected as well.
I had to ping-pong my way through the draft between two devices every time the draft disconnected, missing picks along the way. I continued to encounter this issue even when switching from wifi to 5G on my phone to identify whether it was a wifi issue. It was not.
This is obviously terrible for an event where currency and prizes are on the line. I straight up don't ever have connection issues on Arena, so the fact that this has happened multiple times, across devices, on multiple internet networks, and only while drafting seems to point towards a server issue.
Has anyone else experienced this issue? It's super frustrating even if I can get refunds for my drafts.