Game Crashes during match
game crashes when looking for an opponent during Premiere draft. attempts to restart the program and re-access match in progress does not work. program initializes, finds match in progress, attempts to load game, hangs up and crashes. results in a time out of the match and a match loss. once match is over i am able to relaunch the client without crashing

AethelredTheUnready17#14112 commented
This is happening to me too. Wizards just shrugged their shoulders. My phone is brand new and my WiFi is good. I doubt the issue is on me end and am surprised more people aren’t experiencing it.
Timmorn#84173 commented
This happened to me too. I just got defeated 2nd time in this quick draft because ofthis and earlier today lost the second match too in a sealed. This is very annoying and it compromises my result and is a waste of resources which i paid for....i wish for a refund
DerangedWizard#79647 commented
Same thing happened for me except once it was in Sealed and once in Quick Draft
BurgundyTouch#72778 commented
Happens to me every other day.
Always at X-2. -
Jasongambit#21755 commented
This happened to me on two occasions.
SwankGit#17189 commented
Fairly consistently at the x-2 bracket the matchmaker will start to load a seemingly normal match and then crash to desktop right before the ready screen just as the sound plays, every attempt to relaunch results in a seemingly successful reconnect and then a crash at the exact same point. This behavior continues until the match is forfeited due to timeout.