Bug with fight rigging
Two fight riggings on battlefield, with hidden away cards. One 6 powered creature on battlefield. Both fight rigging triggers go on stack at beginning of combat, I resolve the first by putting a counter on my creature and the hidden away cards come into play. When the first trigger is resolved the second trigger disappears from the stack and my second hideway cards stay exiled on fight rigging.

Ghost#26730 commented
Wow here we are, how much later? This bug is STILL A COMMON ISSUE. Seriously please fix this. I have lost so many games because of this ****
WreakingHavoc#69475 commented
1 1/2 years later....... still never fixed 😪
Undeadartist#22658 commented
Still have this issue with Fight Rigging decks, I play it competitively and it has cost me games because of this bug so please fix this. Love the card and mechanics just hate that it doesnt resolve.
DeathRedeemed#95088 commented
Same just happened to me. Android.
Helios909#97429 commented
It also happens if you have the third or fourth fight rigging on the field, only the first fight rigging card comes into play. You get all of the +1/+1 counters from each rigging, but all but the first one's card stays exiled under the card until next turn. Obviously a huge game breaker...
Cannabat#36235 commented
I just ran into this bug. Happened exactly the same - one Shakedown Heavy on the field, two fight riggings with cards hidden away. At combat, both counters went on the creatures but I only got to cast one of the hidden cards. One was a creature, the other was an enchantment.