Game Engine Screwed Up regarding lands/shuffling
The game engine is super screwed up. I'll either draw 10 straight lands or 0 lands for 7-10 straight cards. All of my decks have 40% lands, yet I repeatedly get these extreme outcomes, which makes the game completely unplayable.
I'll get things several standard deviations outside the expected results, like drawing lands on 9/11 cards to open a game, or going 6-8 straight draws with no lands. The mulligan feature is especially bad... if you mulligan a draw for having either too many or too few lands, 100% of the time the next draw will have the opposite problem.
It's happened enough times that it absolutely cannot be explained by pure chance or bad luck.

burn#75857 commented
Really messed up, i mean nice that the start deck is often containing 2 or 3 lands now, but after that i draw in generel no land or only lands. What did you do to this game? It was not like this before and it really kills the joy.
Tigeron#79302 commented
Lands at the beginning of play are nice but constant lands at the end
of play rune the game.
This is Critical to enjoying the game
Player - Tigeron -
Tigeron#79302 commented
At the end of about 25% of games I get constant lands
therefore receive no creature cards to play
resulting in game over. Very discouraging !!
Rather than a competitive match with opponent
Thank You
Player - Tigeron -
Akulla3D#54218 commented
This is so messed up. I have paid hundreds of dollars to play this game and I keep getting these stupid draws where I get only lands for 10 draws in a row sometimes more. Fix your damm shuffle engine it is constantly screwing people. And I come to the bug section of your site and it gives me some stupid suggestion page. WTF. Fix your shuffleer for gods sakes.