Bought Mythic Pack, got a Rare wildcard
I purchased a new SNC mythic pack using 1300 gold, when I opened it, I got a rare wildcard. That doesn't seem right to me. I figure it is a bug, but if this is how it can work, you should fix it. Worse case you should get a mythic WC.

DAC169#34537 commented
I agree that being able to get a rare wildcard from mythic packs is stupid and should be changed.
jpad#67869 commented
When you purchase a mythic rare pack, it should not give you a rare wildcard. This should be addressed.
TheXile#69362 commented
WoTC a Rare wild card is not a mythic. Please don't put them in mythic packs.
Scrybaby#39959 commented
Happened to me too. Not right at all!
Creg#37115 commented
Getting a rare wildcard for a mythic pack is at best, wrong and at worst, bait and switch.