Card in hand stuck in stack
Playing on Android, should have taken screenshot but didn't think about that.
I ran into a bug where a creature I tried to play got stuck in the stack, and the game continued as if it was in my hand. The card was not playable from the stack.
I attempted to play a creature, and the game transitioned to my opponent if they wanted to play an instant. There seemed to be a connection issue, and when the game resumed my creature was stuck in the stack area and did not continue to resolve the interaction.
When other cards were played, the stack animations played out as if the creature was still on the stack.
I would have expected the creature either to return to my hand to attempt to be played again, or for the card to have been played and for any subsequent effects to take place.

Ashpoint#80933 commented
Playing on Windows PC, I've had this exact bug happen to me at least four or five times, but maybe more. Almost every time it causes me to lose the game either because the game stole my card at a critical moment, or I rope the opponent out and am locked out of the rest of my turn. Now I just surrender as soon as it happens to not waste my time.