Scute swarm crash
Game crashed after 200 scute swarm tokens pc

B. MacKillroy#50426 commented
Same error. Weak.
Jakk#28609 commented
Can we just stop this broken mess that is Scute Swarm?
Once again, sitting through 6 solid minutes of token creation and glitches while my timer randomly ticks down and opponent keeps making more and no timer tick down for them?
this particular event led to 1,000's of tokens being created , but only still having the maximum 250 or so on the create to the max and then auto remove them also to stay at 250? Only to play yet another land and start it all over. My laptop crashed after so much glitching!
Broken mechanic, people. accept it and ban this card
hard to believe counterspell is banned, but this **** storm lives on