Relic of Legends Bug
Relic of Legends is not working properly, the game does not see the second ability and will auto-pass even if you can cast spells with it, and won't work even when holding priority

Bubbarub#34191 commented
Yep same here. Card will not activate when it should.
[Deleted User] commented
Just also had it happened to me very recently as well
FantasiaWHT#31216 commented
To be more specific, I see three problems with the card.
The first is that MTGA appears to check to pass through the end of the turn without seeing if Relic could cast something. For example I had 7 mana available, including relic. I have a 5 drop legend and a 3 drop legend in my hand. I cast the 5 drop, and I SHOULD be able to cast the 3 drop after the 5 drop legend resolves, but it autopasses through my turn.
Second, aside from the above, the game will recognize that I can cast a card from my HAND with Relic, but NOT from the Command Zone. I can drag a card out of my hand (although see below for the third problem), but I can't drag it out of my command zone, even though I can manually tap all my lands and my legend(s) and then cast my commander.
Third, auto tapping doesn't work well. It seems like the game wants you to manually pick which legendary creatures to tap, which is normally fine, but when you have to tap ALL of your creatures to cast a spell with Relic, you shouldn't have to do them manually. (This is more of a quality of life thing than an actual bug though).
ShellyBelly#83612 commented
This Bug is quite frustrating, as this card is a really neat design. Please fix this super fun combo piece :)
Rigo#15028 commented
Please fix this asap! Ive lost several games i would have won otherwise to this!