Bugged Interaction: Ivy, Gleeful Spellthief and Winterthorn Blessing
If Winterthorn Blessing is cast targeting a creature to grant a +1/+1 counter, but not targeting any creature to tap, Ivy will trigger, but the copied spell is replaced by the opponent's cardback and does not resolve. The cardback remains on the stack as a visual bug.
The expected result would be a +1/+1 counter on Ivy.
PC, the bug is repeatable

HorusTheHoly#47605 commented
Bug happened here, it worked in the last game, but not this one. Repulsive Mutation is another card that has worked in other games but failed to work in this one.
Clawless#71342 commented
Not a bug - IVY tells that it works for spells targetting ONLY A SINGLE creature
Xanthos#66576 commented
I've also been affected by this bug twice now.
GourdCollector#67880 commented
Also occurs on iphone