Can’t Target Sheoldred, the Apocalypse
Can’t target Sheoldred, the Apocalypse with neither Infernal Grasp nor Soul Transfer. Could target all other creatures.

Grokharder#74203 commented
Had this happen to me with the Sheoldred/Enchantment card. Attempted to counter it with Flip the Switch and got a prompt of "Are you sure?" as if it were my own card or had a ward effect.
Should have known something was up, but I tried anyway. Counter didn't work, Sheoldred ETB'd like nothing happened, even though my opponent was fully tapped on their mana and couldn't pay 4 to resolve without counter.
ExperimentalBenzy#15035 commented
Similar problem. I couldn't use cosmic hunger to target.
Kamespon#86412 commented
Seems sheoldred has now secret hexproof