Game crashes and closes after clicking Premier Draft
I finished my last Premier Draft game and the game crashed when I was about to retrieve my prize, now the Premier Draft continues to show "Resume", but if I click it, the game crashes again, and now I am unable to join Premier Draft events.
This happened on PC.
While clicking Premier Draft, the game crashes instead of allowing me to start a new one.
The game should give the reward for the finished draft and then allow you to begin a new one.
No relevant screenshots/videos
No workaround, found.

Iceman94#10482 commented
Still nothing in March 2025. Very dissapointing
Iceman94#10482 commented
Same for aetherdrift premier draft! why hasnt this been addressed yet???
rylock#37454 commented
Same. Crashes on Android. Hangs on Connecting to Server on PC
shuffleupagus#64876 commented
Is this on your bugfix roadmap? I was disappointed that there was a release today that did not address this pretty breaking bug.
INoScopedJFK#85280 commented
I am also experiencing this bug, but with Quick Draft. Permanently locked out from quickdraft, the only method of building a collection, joy.
Problem is on multiple PC and mobile clients, so it's probably a bugged out event state.
bips#83478 commented
Same is happening to me.
shuffleupagus#64876 commented
Updates on this? This is a present enough bug that's locking players out of playing and spending money on Arena.
dbitel#87084 commented
I am having this exact same issue. It means that I can no longer enter a premier draft (or claim my reward for the one started)
mikiurban#16491 commented
Oh forgot to flag this as Critical. I can't join a Premiere draft right now
mikiurban#16491 commented
I have this same problem, on both iOS and Computer. The log file says I have a stack overflow problem. Here is a screenshot of my log (i'm on my iphone right now, and don't have access to the log on my computer)
The devs should be able to walk thru the code and see what's blowing up
WhoAmI#68041 commented
I am experiencing the exact same issue.
The client shows the option to resume a premier draft but clicking on it will crash the client.
The result is a broken account state for premier drafts as the current one can't be stopped and a new one can't be started.
Neither reinstalling the app nor clearing cache/ user data resolves this issue.
It happens on both platforms - mobile (Android) and PC - so it has to be a server side issue.