Stone Brain
Stone Brain doesn’t allow player to name a card, rendering it useless. I’ve lost a Bo3 ranked game because of this… :(

pollux#53157 commented
Is this fixed fo Stone Brain/Pithing Needle? Just had a crash with Medomai's Prophecy 2nd chapter and remembered voting on this issue back in december and it's insane to think we're in february and maybe this haven't been properly solved?
Zigabutanoid#84873 commented
God forbid they actually give us any way to get rid of Invoke Despair or Farewell. Gotta make sure control decks continue to ruin the game.
Asieger#10047 commented
Still bugged, but don't worry guys, the store works just fine so you can go buy 4 rare wildcards to replace the ones you wasted on this bugged card!
VanIsleMage#89200 commented
Just times out and names fortify as target without me being able to name a card.
Count Harassye#16537 commented
This bug has contributed to multiple losses. I wanted to use stone brain to exile Halana & Alena and instead it froze on screen and ran my timers out. The selection menu never populated. It automatically selected "fortify" and revealed my opponent's hand. Of course, there in the hand was the card I was trying to target.
MVanni#85591 commented
Confirm this happening fix it please
Gurbetsjov#54729 commented
It is unbelievable that this hasn't been fixed yet. Out of the 8 times i've played this card, it only worked ONCE. I think NotSoHasty's comment about having 3 copies is accurate, as I believe the one time it worked I still had 2 of them. Afterwards I added a third and I don't think it has worked since. But i'm not about to test this **** as i'm not getting paid for this, unlike Wizards.
Haimauseee#36553 commented
It happened to me when the opponent had no cards in hand…
NotSoHasty#97516 commented
I had two copies of The Stone Brain and I was able to name them successfully. I added a third then I was unable to name a card on two occasions in the same game. I thought it was the opponent but now I've read the comments it must be the card/game.
Stark9731#89591 commented
Havoc340#14207 commented
The Stone Brain works for me as long as I wanted to name Fortify.
That's the name that's auto chosen when I time out because I can't search.
I was super excited for this card but it just doesn't work.
I totally could've used those wild cards on other things than this jank brew.
1/2 Prince#40637 commented
happened to me just now and lost
meowkung#68986 commented
Same problem. Lost a game due to timed out
Asieger#10047 commented
I've also lost ranked on ladder due to game timing out due to this bug
桜竜00#76280 commented
I am also playing with the Japanese version and encountered the same bug
Boskov#49791 commented
I also had the same issue, I payed (2) and exiled the card and the prompt to choose a card name did not appear. The game timed out and I lost because I didn't take an action.
Dameon Geppetto#78715 commented
Same problem here. Zero playtesting. What else do you expect from the POS WotC money grabbers.
Out Reach#03249 commented
Just lost Bo1 ranked due this bug. The name card UI didn't show, I couldn't interact and the game timed out into a loss.
SockBandit#75048 commented
Same issue here, but in BO1. The timer for expires without showing the "choose the card name to exile" prompt. I can't perform any actions while the timer expires. Then my turn ends.