Bug / The Stone Brain
- Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
In my match today, in Ranked best of 3, i played The Stone Brain and the game appeared to freeze up and looked like it was waiting for the opponent to do something. It sat like this for a long time. The list of possible card names for The Stone Brain had not appeared. Then i got the orange bar but i could not click anything or choose anything. Then i lost the match DEFEAT after the bar ran down. Losing me two ranking points and causing me frustration. This was the first time i had played the Stone Brain in a deck.
- Note which platform you’re using (PC, Mac, Android, or iOS)
PC Desktop
- Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
as above
- Enter the expected results of the feature
I expected a drop down menu and to type in a card name, this did not occur.
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
sorry didnt get a chance to screen shot it or anything.
i have attached my most recent log, i dont know if this is relevant as this is the first bug report i've ever put in for Arena.
- If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
No idea.