When wastes are included in a deck there is a server error preventing it from saving. Both regular and full art wastes have this issue.
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AlexTFish#48391 commented
Not allowed to add Wastes to Historic Brawl decks. Which means you can't search up a basic to activate Eldrazi Displacer in Historic Brawl. Utterly stupid.
Cyborg Huey#52238 commented
Bug: Still cannot add Waste to a non-colorless Historic Brawl deck.
I have a Yorion, Sky Nomad Historic Brawl blink deck. So when Eldrazi Displacer was introduced in Explorer Anthology 2, I thought it would fit perfectly into the deck. So I added in the Displacer and since I have multiple ways to search up a basic land, I added in a singular Waste so I could activate the Displacer's activated ability more consistently and it worked great. However, a while back when a brand new set was added to Arena (I honestly can't remember if it was BRO or ONE) this introduced a bug that caused my previously valid Yorion deck to be marked invalid. Not knowing what the issue could possibly be since the deck was valid the literal day before the update and no bans had been announced for Historic Brawl, I took a screenshot of my decklist and posted about it on the Magic Arena subreddit. Someone suggested that the lone Waste was the culprit of the invalidity. So I took it out, replaced it with a basic Plains, an lo and behold, that fixed it. So I came here to report the issue and did a search to see if it was a known bug and it was so I left it at that because I didn't want to generate additional bug reports if it was already known about. Well that changed today. Just now I played against a Kozilek, the Great Distortion Historic Brawl deck and they had at least one Waste in their deck because I saw it on the battlefield. So I thought to myself, "Oh, good. the Arena team fixed that bug with Waste in Historic Brawl. As soon as this game is over, I can't wait to add a Waste to my Yorion deck and play it as I did before that update that broke it." NOPE! Still bugged. Please fix it. Thank you! -
Cyborg Huey#52238 commented
Also cannot add Wastes to my Historic Brawl deck and have it be a valid deck. It worked just fine before the ONE update. What gives?
The Dugong#46223 commented
the biggest problem is I can't put them in my Historic Brawl deck
BlobTide#60508 commented
How is this not fixed yet? Joke of a company
Ashrazel#38710 commented
Please fix this.
John#19912 commented
This is so weird .... It's bein more than 6 months and nothing have ben done to fix the problem...
Players : " All we want is a fonctional game to have fun ! Is it to much to ask ?"
WoTC : "give me your money but F#ck you and Sh#t up" -
matchewy#84490 commented
I just wasted time and money setting up a new ulamog deck just to find a cannot save the bloody thing and find its been a ongoing problem for months? surely this isnt hard to fix
DMK218#27026 commented
i tried to make a colorless brawl deck. can not complete cause some where waste basicland is not a bassic...
metabret#03071 commented
Some of us spent gems on full art Wastes and it would be nice to be able to actually use them. At the very least WotC should offer refunds if they're not willing or able to fix this issue.
kaim146#08837 commented
Fix this
kaim146#08837 commented
KingHavok#03264 commented
Yes i would really appreciate this bug to be fixes so i can make my ulamog historical brawl deck
Azazel#42301 commented
Yup, still an issue when trying to make a Karn deck. it's weird, cuz if I take Karn out as my commander, then the deck saves with 99 cards and no commander, not having a problem with the wastes. But when I put any colorless commander up, the wastes will make the netwrok error show up.
kaim146#08837 commented
A single Basic Land has more issues than cards with seek/conjure/draft/perpetual effects
AzureWusky#03513 commented
Can't build a historic brawl deck with any Wastes.
JenkelOfJustice#93504 commented
It's insane that it's been over a month with no fix. It shouldn't be this hard to add a basic land type and make it work.
Rabban#33884 commented
Ya'll ******** patched the game again, but did ya fix Wastes? Nope. Is it on your known issues list? Also nope. IT HAS BEEN OVER A MONTH. WASTES ARE A BASIC LAND. IF A FEATURE WILL NOT WORK, DON'T ADD IT.
HALOvBEASTY#35367 commented
hiluk005#99145 commented
Same Here. So terrible what you are doing by doing strictly nothing to solve this issue (it isn't known only since yesterday, or is it?)
Also, selling a card style for something broken was such an insult to the players. Sell something, make it work at least!!!!
It's been a month that nothing goes on about that, since the release of the Explorer Anthology2.
Wastes had not to be a waste.