Phyrexian Dragon Engine ETB
Phyrexian Dragon Engine's ETB ability doesn't trigger when it enters the battlefield from the graveyard using Rivas of the Claw's ability.
- Play Rivaz of the Claw
- Discard Phyrexian Dragon Engine (ex: by using Tormenting Voice)
- Cast Phyrexian Dragon Engine from the Graveyard using Rivaz of the Claw's static ability.
- Observe Phyrexian Dragon Engine's ETB ability trigger
Result: Phyrexian Dragon Engine's ETB ability does not trigger.
Expected Result: Phyrexian Dragon Engine's ETB ability triggers as expected.
Platform: Android

[Deleted User] commented
Rivaz lets you cast Phyrexian Dragon Engine which means it went from to your graveyard to the stack and then to the battlefield