sideboard not working
I was playing a match against a friend and attempted to use my Nissa to get a creature from the sideboard. Nothing happened. I have a standard 15 card sideboard with all 7 (because of the asinine rule you guys added to arena) that I should be able to access are creatures.
I went into my deck after the match, all 15 cards are still there. I'm not sure if this is important, but the title "sideboard" at the top is in red letters. If this indicates an issue, there is no way to tell what it is. I checked other decks, and the text is red in all of them as well.
I have been away from the game for quite a while, having only recently returned. If you guys added any other asinine rules to mess with sideboards
, that may be the issue. It would be nice if it told me what was wrong, if that is the case.

Tristan Hardt#31636 commented
may have the wrong settings selected. click on deck details then switch deck settings from 'standard' to 'traditional standard'. deck details can be accessed from the bar with the graph that indicates deck curve on the mid left side of the screen.
if its a best of one game you could maybe just clone the deck and then delete the additional cards in the sideboard that aren't useable in best of one.
would like to add i don't play against friends so take what i say with a grain of salt
Hhh of Br#33127 commented
I have the Same problem