Make the match making system random
You guys need to Make the algorithm random, don’t just pair our decks, with perfect counters 60% of the time. What’s the point of brewing decks, if it’s just going to be shot down. Decks that work on table top, do not work in arena. I would imagine you would want your digital game to reflect the real game. There is no incentive to be creative, it’s just copy pasta a deck of the current meta with no thought to creating something original, because the match maker is going to shut it down, not to mention the mathematically improbably deck bricks. Either too many lands or no lands.
I would actually be inclined to open up my wallet to arena, if it was truly a random matching system. There are so many possible and cool combinations, that will never see the light of day, because of how the matching system works. Instead we’re just playing brain dead builds like mono red to hit rank. Kind of disappointing, with all the cards that exist.