Rumbaar#12963 commented
The only costmetics I purchase are basic land and full art lands, and they have been missing for far too long! This isn't acceptable.
Yamakasi#43458 commented
Give us back the basic land card styles Wizards!!
WruceBayne#81584 commented
This is absolutely messed up.Ive literally PAID MONEY FOR LAND CARD STYLES,AND NOW THERE APPEARS TO BE NO ACCESS TO THEM.I want my money-back magic.Searching for anything and related literally only shows dual lands,and a single basic of each color.Get it together please.Im literally uninstalling your game until you fix this garbage.Youve stolen my .oney for the last time.Garbage.
Vakko#28335 commented
Can't add basic or basic snow lands
JerryDenzinger#29523 commented
So I was participating in a sealed event of MOM and as I tried to change the colors of my deck I can't find basic lands to add please fix problem or give back my gems
Bassline_killer#41181 commented
Honestly they should refund anyone doing a draft. I didn't like my deck and made some changes... now I can't put the land back in it... what a waste! It appears it's been this way for a few days already too.
ashfen#93445 commented
Things people have suggested that don't work:
Searching "land" or even "basic" - only brings up nonbasic lands and/or cards that involve lands or basic lands I.e., Ossification.Sorting to only show 0 cost cards - only brought up nonbasic lands.
Searching by land type I.e., "mountain", "plains", etc - only brought up nonbasic lands.
Adding cards in the color you want in order to auto add - only works for the first color.
mikeymo#79768 commented
We're is my basic lands y'all need to get it together
ApexPretender#78755 commented
Also experiencing this. My old decks are fine, but a new set came out and I can’t build any new, usable decks. Feels like a bit of an oversight.
AleRico#94337 commented
it is impossible to play without basic lands
gubash#33887 commented
The lands filter has been replaced with battles. No way to add basics. The auto-add is not functioning after initial build. I didn't realize until I was in a game and could not cast many of my spells
VanCityKevo#68011 commented
Not just basic lands, any lands, only thing that comes are the new Invasion Cards...
Pengwin#05127 commented
i am also experiencing this. it is extremely frustrating in limited setting as you cannot rebuild decks successfully between matches or while sideboarding. It appears to be related to introducing the battles as a card type and it has passively overwritten the lands in the filters.
CelticRager#08667 commented
Only way I can work around this to import decks
kurakurabengbeng#85892 commented
It is hard making deck without the basic lands