Priority stuck and game freeze
This happened twice today (29/05/23) in a raw on RANKED game :
I start the game as usual, play a few turn when suddenly after I do an action that should pass the priority to the opponent (e.g declaring attaquants or casting a spell), the game freeze and the priority gets stuck on me.
Please fix this ASAP. This kind of bugs will make me stop playing very fast it it keeps happening.
NB : I play on iPhone.

aapielekker#34729 commented
As a work around, I started to notice when this happens, then I just close and open the game, I play on PC, so I hope this helps you.
aapielekker#34729 commented
I have the same issue, worst is when I pay for events, then rack up losses because of this
Antzs#97120 commented
Cheater passing the game was able to keep the timer stuck on never ending