Mastery Pass March of the Machine: No ICR cards beyond level 70
I bought the mastery pass March of the Machine after I competed level 70.
Beyond level 70 (currently at 86) I got no ICR rewards. I trace my collection and my vault, no rewards this time. For another matstery in the past it worked.

King#59679 commented
I randomly got a card at 74, but not for any other levels otherwise.
This issue has been ongoing for over a year, judging by the scattered posts I'm seeing about it on the interwebs. Anyone who paid actual money for their mastery pass needs to start requesting refunds over this issue. Guarantee it'll get fixed REAL quick.
robtam#83325 commented
Noticed that I, too, am having this issue with the current mastery pass. Level 80, no issuance of an uncommon at anytime in the last 10 levels.
Captainamorgan#79842 commented
Haven't gotten rewards since maxing out the Battle Pass
Torlin OakenShield#29018 commented
I've also
QuachAttack#16831 commented
I've also experienced this same issue; no uncommon ICRs awarded post level 70 on the March of the Machine mastery pass.
TheTatteredKing#59011 commented
Currently I am at 89 and nothing since level 70
GrimDinosaur#99300 commented
Similar issue here too. Only difference I had pre-purchased the master pass, no ICR rewards are being received for levels past 70.
D -
Archaleon#14313 commented
I have been having the same issue