Prerelease packs missing
The packs from the lotr prerelease code I had waiting to open disappeared during the update. Please give them back.
StarKillerLeader#22950 commented
I am having the same issue. I lost my prerelease packs with the update.
Pookstir#23058 commented
Same. I had two starter kit decks and the prerelease packs
Alvarovisky#97127 commented
same here!
Alvarovisky#97127 commented
Same! Where are my packs?
Alvarovisky#97127 commented
Same issue for me. Where are my starter decks? :(
Omega#84644 commented
I purchased a prerelease deck, as well as the starter kit for LOTR, which gave me codes that gave me 6 packs, and the two decks from the starter deck. I saw these earlier today, and they were shown as being released today. Updated and logged in, and how they are all missing.
Omega#84644 commented
I also had this, I had a pre release packs and a two decks from a starter kit that have completely disappeared since the update.
Dante commented
Same thing here
Monwedil#69265 commented
I have redeemed my LOTR decks yesterday and they were in the packs section, saying that they would be available today. After the update they disappeared, can't claim them and the code says it's already been used.